Saturday, November 9, 2013

Would the baby come out with red hair, black hair or brown hair?

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 on Home � Hair Color � Fashion Colors � Kirsten Dunst Hair Color
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Q. Just to clear this up, I'm not pregnant or planning to have a baby soon but I'm just wondering the genetics:

If my mother has red hair, my grandfather has red hair and many other people on my mother's side has red hair, and if I the father of my child has red hair but I don't have red hair (I have black/brown hair) would the baby come out with red hair or black hair?

Red hair is NOT the recessive form of the dark pigmentation gene. Red hair is caused by having a defective copy of the MCR1 gene. It doesn't break down red pigment in the hair or skin, allowing it to accumulate. Whether or not you have dark or fair hair is determined by the formula you've seen in some of the other posts-- BB or Bb for brown, bb for blonde.

...Except genetics is way more complicated than that. Genes can be present but not express themselves. Gene might only express themselves partway (these qualities are called permanence and expressivity). There is of course the likely possibility there are more genes involved than we know about.

Your child's chances of having red hair could be 50/50 or they could be zero. Why? If you're heterozygous (one copy of each allelle), and your husband is homozygous (two copies of the red hair allelles) then he will definitely pass one onto your kid. It's just a 50/50 shot that you will. That's the most likely.

Did your mother have strawberry blonde or auburn hair? Maybe she only had one copy, and you didn't have any. Now your kids definitely won't have it... unless they inherit one copy from their Dad and end up with the lesser redhead version.

I linked you to some more reputable sources on the genetics of hair color. Hope this helps.

How can I remove the red out of my hair so that I can go back to blonde?


I've had red hair for about...9 months now? I really want to go back to my natural hair color..blonde, but have my hair dyed blonde not my natural color? I want to be able to go back to blonde safely, WITHOUT damaging my hair with a color stripper & hopefully some cheap way? I heard that putting tide (non-bleach formula) and washing your hair with that & shampoo will take out the red fast but gradually. Any suggestions?

try bleaching?

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Were there any Irish immigration to El Salvador?

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 on Actresses With Red Hair Over 50
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Or any other north western European Immigrants.

I have red hair, my mother is from El Salvador, but does not have red hair and neither does my grandmother from that side.

My father is Irish and ginger, but red hair is recessive, and must be passed from both parents.

My mother and grandmother both look the stereotypical Indigenous and Spanish mix "mestizo".

I have this same question. We live near the pueblo of Agua Caliente, in the Chalatenango department of El Salvador. Every time I go I see more people with red hair than I do in other parts of El Salvador. Was there an Irish immigration wave that came to El Salvador? Or perhaps some people of European ancestry with a lot of red hair in their genetics that showed up here? I think you need to do more digging - what about your grandfather, or your other grandparents on your mom's side? I have done Google searches in English and Spanish and don't come up with any information - unfortunately. But there have to be people here in El Salvador who know. Hey, maybe ask the question in Spanish!

What happens in two recessive genes go against each other?


like say if someone had light blonde hair and had a kid with someone who had light red hair. They are both recessive genes so which one wins?
Will their kid come out with a mixture of both? Like a lighter red or a strawberry blonde?
Or will it be 50/50?
If they have more than 1 kid could one come out with all red, and the other all blonde?

What about eye color? Blue vs green; which one wins?

human hair color, and human eye color are both Polygenic traits. This means that they are controlled by more than one gene. Neither is recessive

Think of hair color and eye color (and skin color for that matter) as a long range of values. Their distribution would look like a bell-shaped curve.

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Can Someone Explain Weed (Marijuana) And How to Smoke it?

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 on Red Hair Janpiet Marijuana
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Alot of People i Know Do It. They said it makes them feel really good and it doesnt negativley affect them like they are still really nice and still have good morals. Here are my questions:
What are the terms? (Bowl, Bong, Buds, Dank, Etc.)
What are the Positive and Negative Effects?
How Much Does it Cost?
What are the Different Ways to Smoke it?
What are the Different Flavors?
Are there legal versions of it?
What is Kush?
THANKS! im a noob.

Joint - A joint is weed (or hash) rolled up in cigarette paper
Blunt - A blunt is weed (and/or hash) rolled in cigar paper. Although there are such things as blunt rolling papers, the typical method is to buy cheap commercial cigar, aka a blunt (Phillie Blunt,

Dry Pipes - There isn't much to explain here. A pipe is usually called a "bowl" because of the bowl shape at the end of the pipe where you stick the weed. I say dry pipe because no water is put in them for use. Pipes can be made of all sorts of materials, the safest and preferred material is glass. There are many different kinds of dry pipes, these include:

* Chillum - These are tiny pipes with very small bowls usually only good for one or two hits. They're straight shafts, the weed goes at the top and you inhale smoke from the bottom. They are the most compact and easy to hide
pipes. A lot of people use them at concerts because they are easy to get past security.

* Sherlock - These pipes are named after Sherlock Holmes, because the style is similar to the pipes he used to smoke. Instead of being straight, sherlocks have curved necks between the bowl and the mouthpiece. One thing I noticed about my sherlock is that it has a gigantic carb. If I hold the carb for a while, tons of smoke filles the innards of the pipe but doesn't seem to go into my mouth after a certain point. Releasing the carb lets in a his rush of smoke. It reminds me of a bong hit actually.

More -

Color-changing glass: Many people like to buy glass pipes that are color changing. This means that with use, over time the pipe will start to change colors or darken. I'm not sure how this works exactly but I think color changing glass works because of a combination of the heat and resin collection on the sides of the pipe.

* Bubbler - These are essentially regular pipes with a chamber somehow attached under the bowl that can be filled with water. You put youlr liquid into bubblers through the carb hole usually to avoid getting the bowl itself wet. Or that is how I do it. Chamber sizes range, but the bigger the chamber, the more water you can put in. The more water there is, the longer it will maintain a desireable temperature. Ie, I have a small bubbler, the chamber holds a fairly small amount of water. By the end of the bowl, the water is usually fairly hot. Remember as you pull hot smoke through the water, the heat has to go somewhere. If you haven't taken chemistry before this should still make sense it is a relatively simple concept.

* Bong - Also called a water-pipe these days (it is the politically correct term). This is the king of all smoking accessories. Bongs function just like bubblers except they have huge (comparatively) chambers for water. Bongs are big and you will get a ton of smoke in your lungs taking hits from these.


Although slang tends to vary from state to state and country to country, some words are fairly universal in describing the quality of weed.

Schwag: This is the worst grade of weed. Brown, seedy, and usually dry. It is very cheap, but you get what you pay for in this case.

Mids: This is the middle of the road weed. You'll start seeing some nug forms and possibly some red hairs and crystals. This weed will be of a lighter color and much prettier than schwag. Few seeds usually in mids.

Dank: This is sizeable nugs of weed usually. Plenty of red hairs, a nice green color and no seeds are attributes of dank. Most "dank" that I've encountered seems to be beasters. Beaster is the low end of the high-class dank weed. It
is commercially grown, seems mostly indica. Definitely not a designer specific strain.


Weed quantities are fairly universal. It is sold in grams, fractions of ounces usually. It goes like this:

1/8 (of an ounce) "eight": 3.5 grams
1/4 (of an ounce) "quarter/q": 7 grams
1/2 (of an ounce) "half o": 14 grams
1 ounce: 28 grams

Marijuana is a beautiful plant that somehow affects the mind in beautiful ways. You can get paranoid, though. If you ever decide to smoke weed, please do it responsible and don;t be stupid. Stay calm, because the experience might be a little strange. Try to do it with people you trust!

howdo you know the strain and the quality of Marijuana?

My "friend" does not want to seem some how pathetic or "uncool" if asking a dealer what straing and quality of Marijuana they are selling.

In my opinion, the dealer should know what kind of strain they are selling - no?

From what I hear there are several strains, some make you laugh some make you mellow.
So far "my friend" tried the ones that mellow you out.

Which strains are that? how do you know? Is it okay to ask the dealer?

if there are leafs on ur weed, u got bad weed. if there are lots of little white crystals, u got good weed. if its dense thats a good thing. purple and red colored "hairs" are good... ur not going to get hyper by smoking weed, ull find shiit funny and interesting, but sometimes ull just be burnt out but still amused.. most dealers wont really know what the strain is, theyll just kno if its good weed or not... two main strains Indica and Sativa, Indica makes you sleepy but amused, sativa makes u laugh and interested. sometimes they will know though, Kush, Purple haze, Sour diesel are some popular ones... watch the video in my "source"

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Friday, November 8, 2013

If you have platinum blonde hair and use red depositing formulas, will your hair turn slightly pink?

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I want a very slight pink in my platinum hair, and don't want to go to a salon. I used Fekkai's red color depositing shampoo and John Frieda's Color Glaze when I had red hair and the dye did make my hair a richer red. What will happen if I use it on platinum hair? Will it be a mess?

Um it'll more likely make it look like a horrible blotchy dye job, unless you get a pink clear color glaze it won't actually be pink.


Will mixing a hair dye and conditioner together to lighten a dye work when put onto hair?

lucy m

basically iâve mixed a red hair dye and conditioner together, and its come out a really nice pink, will that work when i dye my hair or will it simply not dye my hair at all and wash out?

Seriously, i don't think so and i don't recommend it at all. you must know that dyes are properly proportioned to obtain the color it says, now if you're going to mix it with other products like conditioners, it might cause the formula to work improperly. my advice to you is get the right color that you want rather than mixing it just to get a lighter dye. you should see this site, i'm sure this will be helpful for you.

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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Can you dye your hair over permanent hair color?

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 on Red Jazzy Empire Sequined Halter Top
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About two weeks ago I dyed my hair jazzy red ( I used Silk Elements permanet hair color) but it didnt come out how I wanted it to. It wasn't red enough and only the front of my hair got really red but the back only looked reddish brown. I've heard people say you can use a color stripper. And I was wondering could I Just dye my hair jet black and will it cover up the color I have now? I plan on keeping my hair jet black if I do decide to color it again.

Yes, you can. The lighter part in the front might not hold the color as well. Don't use a color stripper.
I'm a professional hairdresser. Can't really give the best advice without seeing and feeling hair texture.
Good Luck!

Hair Color Gone Wrong?


So yesterday I went to the beautician to get my hair colored. I specifically sent her multiple pictures of the color i wanted. So she comes back with a jazzy red. It was really pretty on the box but in order for my hair to take any color, she had to lighten it with a lifter. Fast forward she but the jazzy red in, washed it out, put another red in , washed it out, and i ended up with this rihanna red color. It was cute yesterday, now i hate it and its hideous. I have blonde and pinkish roots from the lifter, it's too red for my skin tone, and i just all around hate it. Thank God my hair isn't damaged or falling out. I really wanna go back to black but i know i can't dye it again anytime soon, and trust me it is freaking ugly. Its making me look really unattractive and trashy. What can i do? And I'm not going back to her

It's possible that the color she put in was just a semi-permanent color and the stylist didn't realize it. Another scenario could be after bleaching, or lifting, it made you're hair too porous and after a wash or two the color just fell out. If you color your hair often this happens quite commonly. Just go in and schedule a PPT regiment over the next month or two. Simple, cheap, repairs the hair like new! As for the color, next time you go in, no box colors btw because they ruin the hair faster than anything, let them know the situation and ask them about using a filler to refresh the color and bring it back to the original brightness, the way you like it. I would also recommend, not knowing your hygiene or beauty routine, to wash your hair once every few days. Still shower every day! And if you can't deal with greasy hair there are tricks for that. Also, whether the grease grosses you out or not, wash with cold cold water! Hot water opens up the cuticle of the hair to let in vitamines and moisture, but also lets out color that doesn't take. Leading to fading. Voila!

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Best hair colors that make olive skin tone look lighter?

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 on The Best Beauty Looks From the 2013 Grammys : Daily Beauty Reporter ...
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I have an olive colored skin tone and have dark, brown hair--almost black. I was wondering if there are any hair colors that will my skin tone lighter.

I'd try this website:

"The perfect hair color for you

Whatever type of hair color you opt for, choosing the proper range of shadesâwarm or coolâis the key. The right hair color shade will brighten up your hair style . . . and your life.

What is the most basic principle of color theory applied to hair? It's choosing between warm and cool shadesâand with the dizzying variety of hair colors available, choosing can sometimes be confusing. The best way to make pleasing hair color choices is to determine whether natural coloringâhair, eye, and skin tonesâis in the warm or cool range of colors. Answer these questions, or better yet, have your best friend give you her opinion, which is likely to be more accurate:
My eyes are:

* Deep brown or black-brown (Cool)
* Golden brown (Warm)
* Gray blue or dark blue (Cool)
* Green, green blue or turquoise (Warm)
* Hazel with gold or brown flecks (Warm)
* Hazel with white, gray or blue flecks (Cool)

My skin is:

* Very dark brown (Cool)
* Brown with pink undertone (Warm)
* Brown with golden undertone (Warm)
* True olive (most Asians and Latinos) (Cool)
* Medium with no color in cheeks (Cool)
* Medium with faint pink cheeks (Cool)
* Medium with golden undertones (Cool)
* Pale with no color in cheeks (Cool)
* Pale with pink undertones (Cool)
* Pale with peach or gold undertones (Warm)
* Freckled (Warm)
* Ruddy (Warm)
* Brown or bronze when I tan (Cool)
* Golden brown, when I tan (Warm)

My hair color is:

* Blue black (Cool)
* Deepest coffee brown (Cool)
* Medium ash brown (Cool)
* Deep brown with gold or red highlights (Warm)
* Medium golden brown (Cool)
* Red (Warm)
* Strawberry blond (Warm)
* Dishwater blond (Cool)
* Golden blond (Cool)
* Salt and pepper (Cool)
* White (Cool)
* Gray with a yellow cast (Warm)

What were your answers

Did you check mostly cools? If so, your natural tones are in the cool spectrum. Mostly warms? Then you're naturally "warm."

Naturally cool people should avoid gold, yellow, red and bronze tones, which have a tendency to make you look sallow and drawn. The best hair color shades, depending on your skin tone, are shiny raven-wing blacks, cool ash browns, and cool blondes in shades ranging from mink to platinum and icy white. You're fortunate to be able to wear many exciting "unnatural" colors . . . lipstick reds, burgundies, and orchids, for a more daring look.

Naturally warm people should avoid blue, violet, white and jet-black hair, which will seem to "wash out" your natural high hair color. Depending on your skin tone and your preference, you'll find that deep chocolate, rich golden browns, auburn, warm gold, red highlights, and golden blond shades enhance your "sunny" look. Hair weaving and hair highlighting are great ways to add warm tones to your hair colorâand natural-looking corals, oranges and reds are dazzling on you!"

It doesn't necessarily tell you what will make it look lighter, only what will complement it, that way you're not doing something that'll make you look sickly.

Do medium skin tone look good with blonde or red hair?


My skin tone is a little darker that like a Olive skin tone. And i was wondering do blonde or red hair look good on people with medium skin. My sister once dyed her whole head red, and i thought it looked good but I want more thoughts on it.

Bleach blonde can tend to look fake on people with darker skin tones.
An nice auburn color with probably go well with your skin color; not fire truck red or anything.

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My hair and eyebrows are different?

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 on Short Hairstyles for Women Over 50 - Pictures, How-to's and Tips ...
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My hair is naturally red. It's sort of like Donna's from That's 70s Show, but it's a little darker red. My eyebrows are are light brown. Is that normal?

Yeah, it's completely normal. I've seen a lot of redheads with brown eyebrows and it looks fine.

what should i wear if im going to dress up as debbie harry when she was young?


i wanna look like debbie harry (from blondie) for my highschools look alike day..
what should i wear
what kind of make up should i wear
how should i style my hair ?
My hair is longish and blonde and im not gunna cut it.

I love Debbie Harry and Blondie, that sounds like fun!

First you need to get the signature blonde hair. If you have blonde hair you can blow dry it trying to add as much extra volume as possible. Her hair always was a little two toned so if you really really want to look like her you could dye the under layers light brown. It was usually shoulder lenght but sometimes longer and sometimes shorter. The first link shows a good example of her usual hair style.

For the makeup you have two options. You can either go with her late 70s look, which is dark with smokey eye shadow and dark eyeliner with a little bit of a cat eye (link #2) Or you could do her early 80s look, which includes lighter colors, pink or purple eye shadow with extra long lashes. She wore a lot of blush at times so apply it as you wish. For your lips wear a bright red or pink lipstick with a glossy cover. Link #3 shows how she wore the last look.

The clothes. If you really want to look 80's go with something like link #4. She often wore less "80s style" clothes and more classy yet funky clothes like link #5(this is also another good example of her hair and make-up). She is probably best known for her white dress that she wore on the cover of Blondie's album Parallel Lines (link # 6), but be careful you don't want to look like Marilyn Monroe! Another detail you can add is sunglasses. I noticed that she always wore the same glasses that she wore in the video in link #7. If you are going for her 80s look you can't go wrong with bright neon colors, layers and leg warmers. If you are feeling really wild you could dress like Debbie on the cover of Blondie's greatest hits CD (link #8, it looks a little like a pillow case to me!).

You can try watching Blondie videos on YouTube if you need more info. There are some great examples in those videos!

I think that's it. Have fun and don't forget to smile like you just robbed a bank!

Also here's great site that describes how to get Debbie's look from link #2. Here's the link:
Scroll down a little and you will find it.

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What color should I change my hair to?

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 on Red hot: 25 carrot-haired cuties | Reinspired
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I have really dark brown hair and I kinda want some cool color highlights and under lights and was wondering what color I should get... I think I should get blue, but u guys choose.

you could try lime green:),r:0,s:0,i:84
blue-,r:18,s:0,i:139 looks pretty cool!

My fav is the blue:)

How should i style my hair HELP?


I am 13 I have red hair and i dont know how to style it i have a roundish face i usually leave it down but i am getting bourd of that and need a new way to style it Curls look so bad please help!!

I always get on pinterest whenever I need some new inspiration. You can always try braids, and there are a plethora of different curls you could try out. I feel your need for a change though. I just recently cut my bangs and I feel amazing.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How does a color booster work and it harmful to your hair?

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 on Red Hair Color
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I'm thinking about dying my hair red and its dark brown now so the color doesn't show up very well. I used to put peroxide on it but it made my hair break, so how can i make my hair color brighter without damaging it?

for about a 2 weeks, use the pantene or sunsilk shampoo meant for redheads, that will gradually change it to red, then dye it

How can I prevent my hair color "dropping off" when on Holiday?

Q. When I swim and dive in the sea, my hair thats usually colored red becomes orange. Is there any special product or tip to prevent this?

There absolutely is. Pantene and actually alot of Shampoo brands are coming out with alot of color boosters now. Just go to any walgreens even wal-marts shampoo aisle, they have color booster for reds, browns, blondes, and they are not dyes, its just shampoo that gives your color a little boost and shine everytime you wash your hair! Its awesome.

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What real people look like cartoon characters?

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 on ... Hair Color The perfect shades for black hair, blondes, red heads, and
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Ariel from the little mermaid and Ariana grande-both have red hair

Aladin and Jades boyfriend in victorious- I don't know why but they look alike.

Are there any other people that look like cartoons from movies, tv or anywhere else. Preferably nick/Disney/kids shows but anything is good.

Thanks, I can't wait to see what people think

Please say the names of the cartoon and the person they look like.

This guy:

How do you get Blake Lively red hair colour?


Recently I dyed my hair copper blonde because I want to go back to my natural red hair color, but when I dyed my hair, you can't almost see the red. Therefore I want to dye my hair like Blake Lively because her red hair is the closest I come my hair color

get red vibrant hair dye and dont leave it in for very long!

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Whats the best color of wig cap for dark brown hair?

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 on headphones cross vocaloid dress flowers redheads long hair red eyes ...
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Q. I have dark brown hair and I am buying a wig cap, what color should i get? (my wigs are ginger red, Blue, Black, blonde, etc. because I cosplay anime, video game, and vocaloid.

brown or black

what is a goyaloid? Do they have voices like vocaloids?


Fuku Suzune is stated as being a fan made vocaloid but also a goyaloid but what is a goyaloid?
is it a gakuloid?
i was just wondering?
and is it ok to cosplay one of the fanmade vocaloids? as opposed to one of the originals like miku hatsune?
thanxs anime fan i keep seeing her referenced in the wikia article and i cant find much on her unlike othr fanmade UTAU ones.
(i see u changrd ur prof pic)

To be honest... I have no idea. All I know is that Fuku Suzune (é´é³ã㯠Suzune Fuku) is a Goyaloid ( and then somewhere in the middle of the characters list, a girl with brown/black hair and a red hair lint).. Idk what it means but maybe it helps you a bit?

Well if u wanna cosplay it souldn't matter right? I would say it's ok but of course there are vocaloid hardcore fans (those people who think it's better than great etc) and they might not like the fanmade vocaloid but I wouldn't care for that :) just cosplay as who you like to be ^^

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What are the chances of having red hair and green eyes?

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 on ... Barbie Dolls 1130 Brunette Francie RARE 1180 Red Hair TNT Casie | eBay
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red hair is the rarest hair color and green eyes are the rarest eye color. i have red hair and green eyes and was wondering what are the chances of someone having both red hair and green eyes?
my mom has red hair and brown eyes. my dad has black hair and blue eyes. i don't know where i'm from

Well, it really depends on what color hair and eyes your parents have.

How many people in the world have naturally red hair?

Q. I have naturally red auburn hair and I was wondering how much percentage of people in the world have naturally red hair? Is it a rare color?

I have red hair too! About 1-2% of the population of the world has red hair. (According to Wikipedia)

Obviously, it is a rare colour. Just by looking around you can see that.

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Monday, November 4, 2013

What would happened if i dyed my hair at home with the box? I am a redhead?

red hair color dye chart
 on Nutrisse Reddish Brown Hair Color you can use to color your hair ...
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The color chart on the box never says what shade redheads will turn! Will my hair lighten or not? Will it turn blonde?

Get an ash blonde as green counteracts red tones

How to get an ash brown hair color without bleaching?


Whenever I dye my hair lighter, it turns out an orangey red brown.
Even using an ash dye, it still turns out brassy.

I recommend doing highlights with ash as it can look green without some variation. You will also need to bleach your hair and tone it all over first to get the brown and red out of your hair, and to try and get it the same colour/tone all over. I would dye it ash all over, see how it looks, and consider highlights as a separate process a few weeks later if you find the ash blonde looks a little lifeless.

1) Sort out a bleach and developer first. The brand Kaleidoscope has bleaches with toners built right in so you can tone your hair to a neutral colour before you start messing with ash (use a blue toner to get rid of red). You may need to bleach and tone separately, but I heard good things about Kaleidoscope when I was working at Sallys. As for developer, it sounds like a 20 or 30 will get you to the level you want, but check with the associates or the packaging on the bleach to be sure (without seeing your hair I can't tell).

2) Pick your colour and developer. I would use Ion as they tend to have better control over the undertones in their ash products (using Wella, for example, is basically like dyeing your hair green). Any brand of developer will do and Ion has a little chart attached to the display that will help you figure out whether you need a 20, 30 or 40 volume.* The sensitive scalp stuff (purple bottle) is quite nice especially as bleaching can be irritating enough.

3) Get a protein treatment. Bleach kills your hair and you'll want to rebuild it unless you want to look like your hair has been fried. Ion Effective Care Treatment is like magic for your hair. Use it right after you bleach and again after you've dyed it and then continue to use it twice a week for a month or two. After that, scale it back to once a week.

* You want to make this decision based on how light you think your hair will be after you bleach it. Example; if you want to go from a level 4 to 6 you will probably need a 20, but a 4 to an 8 might require a 30. If you bleach your hair and it comes out a level 6-8 you will probably only want a 20-volume developer.

If you can find an associate who is has their hairdressing license, double check all of this information with them as the current colour of your hair and your desired level of lightening are hard for me to judge without seeing you.

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What was the name of the cartoon of the 90´s that had a boy neanthertal called something like "Crow"?

red hair neanderthal
 on Terra Forming Terra: Neanderthal Genes Outside Africa
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Q. (For what i remember, he had a red hair; i just want to know the name of the cartoon; can someone please help me?

Sounds like you are talking about Film Roman's educational series Cro.

It was about Doctor Cecelia and her assistant Mike, who defrost a mammoth named Phil from a glacier. Phil recounts his days in early history, and his friendship with a human boy named Cro. Cro lived with a clan of neanderthals, the elder of whom was named Ogg. His mate was Nandy.

Cro was educational animation to illustrate principles of simple physics and social dynamics. It aired on ABC television from late 1993 to mid-1994.

Do all red-haired people have Celtic ancestry?


I was just wondering, because I just read an article about Neanderthals having red hair. In the article, it's mentioned that modern-day descendants of Celts often have red hair. Are all red-haired people of Celtic extraction?

nope . . . this is funny since i just answered another question relating to red hair.

"National Geographic, however, estimates that 2% of the world's population are redheads (September, 2007). It occurs mainly in northern and western European populations, and their descendants, and at low frequencies throughout other parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. "

red hair is often found in Celtic populations, but it's certainly not limited to them. it's been found in China, Japan, Iran, Russia, the Nordic countries, Ashkenazi Jews, the South Pacific & Africa. most of these people are in no way related to the Celts, nor can they all be ruled out by random genetic mutations.

". Eighty percent of redheads have a MC1R gene variant,[10] and the prevalence of these alleles is highest in Scotland and Ireland"

so while Celts do have a higher than average tendency towards being red-heads, it isn't limited to them.

~~~ morgannia

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

What do you think of these characters?

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 on Red Hair | Holiday Nutcrackers
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I'm writing a story about a trio who meet a bunch of ghosts in a cursed haunted house, some of whom are vengeful while others merely wish to pass on. Every ghost, however, has their own story that ties back into the whole. Every ghost died seven years after another in that house, except for a few exceptions that relate to plot events. Therefore, the names aren't supposed to be terribly modern. Are the names over-weird? Do the character appearances need to be altered? Opine at will!

1928 Michael Faust- Long white hair and piercing gold eyes. Died due to an accident in his home on Halloween night ~36 years old
1935 Edgar Hamilton- Black hair tied back and shot through with silver, muddy brown eyes, and a jagged scar down his face. Purchased the house and was subsequently killed by Michael ~42
1942 Jasper Atkins- Dark hair, dark eyes. Employed by the Prescott family, lost his life. ~28
1949 Evan Prescott- Blonde hair cropped short. Family inherited the house from Hamilton. Family moved out shortly after the second death. ~27
1956 Tobias Maloy- Brown hair coiffed into a pompodor, wears a greaser jacket. Broke into the empty house with his friends and died. ~18
1963 Niccoli (Nic) Pollux- Silky auburn curls and blue grey eyes. Family purchased the home but left after their son was killed. ~7
1970 Lucien Malcassio- Wavy, dark brown hair and menacing blue eyes. Lived alone in the house and willed it to the Alisdairs. ~30
1977 Marcus Alisdair- Shockingly bright red hair and eyes the color of antifreeze. Second son of the Alisdairs and the troublemaker. ~18
1984 Ava Marie- Mousy blonde hair, bluish green eyes. Got a job working as a maid for the Alisdairs. They left soon after her death, not feeling comfortable in the house anymore ~22
1991 Benjamin Maddox- Platinum blond hair and blue eyes. Police officer who traced the connection of deaths in the house but died under mysterious circumstances while digging around the house ~36
Skip of 1998 due to plot circumstances. Two were killed in 2005 to make up for this.
2005 Arden Nowel- Dark brown hair and gunmetal grey eyes. Brought his wife to the house, but both perished. ~28
2005 Briony Nowel- Flaxen blonde hair with bright green eyes. Watched her husband die ~27
2012 Nicholas Pollux- Slicked back auburn hair and blue grey eyes. He has a mysterious tie to the little boy who died all those years ago, and works as a paranormal expert. Investigates the house with his two friends on an anonymous tip ~21
2012 Carter Clare- Spiky blond hair and bright blue eyes. Fraternal twins with Nora. Paranormal expert along with Nicholas ~20
2012 Nora Clare- Short black hair and similarly bright blue eyes. Fraternal twins with Carter. Mans the camera on their paranormal investigations ~20

Several of the names are locked for sure, and I just want opinions on them. Others, however, are not set in stone. I'd love to hear what you think! Thank you very much in advance.

Your characters' names are very good. Might I add that most authors use a very subtle names to 'imply' something of your characters. For example, Michael Faust. 'Faust' is a term pertaining to those who make a contract with the devil as in the classical German legend. Of course, this is optional and not necessary, but this technique gives a depth to you, the author. Now, all characters are distinct, unique, and spot-on. You used every clear distinctions, especially the pompadour and the antifreeze eyes.

Be sure to emphasize your characters further by giving them certain body structures, facial features, personalities, and overall philosophy that are unique to that character. (ie: muscular build, lanky build, short stature, obese build, bony figure, high cheekbones, deepset eyes, dimples, a chiseled nose, fat cheeks, constantly-dyed hair, outrageous nail art, piercings, glasses, etc.)

Diversity is important in creating a cast of characters. Disney animators even said that they look for certain contrasts and different appearances when creating them, in terms of size, build, purpose, ideals, nature, name implications, and idiosyncrasies.I also want to note that your age diversity is commendable. Overall diversity is very good.

There's not much to criticize so I'd say you're good to go. Good luck.

how should i accessorize this dress?


so this is the dress i bought for my bfs prom:

i was thinking fishnet style tights, but the ones that have roses or something, like this:

so what should i do for jewelry and hair and makeup? im kinda lost. also, i do hair and nails professionally so thats not an issue... i have bright red hair and im pretty pale and short.

so suggestions welcome and pics if you have them! thanks a bunch!

That's a gorgeous dress you bought! Love the rich colour, mysterious patterns and slim fit.

I also think that the rose fishnet tights are fantastic, really will bring attention to your legs as well, but with a focus on the dress.

As for jewelry, something simple but eye-catching will do the trick. Don't try to be too matchy-matchy, but a rose ring can really make your outfit pop more.

black rose ring (red is also an option!):

Since the neckline of the dress is already rather busy, a simple necklace is optional.

If you're going to wear leather fingerless gloves like the model (which would be a great idea), I'd say go heavy on the rings (but not so much it's hard to hold a cup or whatever), and lessen the bracelets, or none at all.

As for your hair, wearing it up would give the outfit a more Victorian feel and really go with the dress. If you have bangs, you could definitely wear a cute and simple crown braid and add a barrette.

teenvogue's crown braid tutorial:

floral barrette (great price, and it will look really nice against your red hair):

Or you could also create a fancy French braid and put it up in a twisted bun. You can google tutorials on how to do that (:

Last but not the least important, makeup time! I don't suggest anything too heavy like the model wearing the dress. This is prom, a time to feel beautiful cos you're YOU (:

Spritz a bit of your favourite perfume in your hair so he'll want to get closer to you. Pick a rosey lipstick to create contrast with the dress but not create a weird combo with your hair. I'm not exactly sure about the shade of your hair, but a dark yet bold pink may do the trick.

armani beauty lipstick:,default,pd.html?utm_source=GAN&utm_medium=Polyvore&utm_campaign=Primary

Have fun with your eyemakeup! Wear a light silver on your inner lids and fade into darker as your reach the outer ends of your eyes. a dark jewel-toned eyeshadow blended with primer can work wonders.

Hope I helped x

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