red haired jewish people
Oscar C
Plot summary
The story is told through the eyes of Willis Seward "Willie" Keith, an affluent, callow young man who signs up for midshipman school with the United States Navy to avoid being drafted into the Army during World War II. The first part of the novel introduces Willie and describes the tribulations he endures because of inner conflicts over his relationship with his domineering mother and with May Wynn, a beautiful red-haired nightclub singer who is the daughter of Italian immigrants. After surviving a series of misadventures that earn him the highest number of demerits in the history of the school, he is commissioned and assigned to the destroyer minesweeper USS Caine, an obsolete warship converted from a World War I destroyer.
Willie, with a low opinion of the ways of the Navy, misses his ship when it leaves on a combat assignment, and rather than catch up with it, ducks his duties to play piano for an admiral who has taken a shine to him. But guilt-stricken by a last letter from his father, who has died of melanoma, he reports aboard the Caine. He immediately disapproves of its decaying condition and slovenly crew, which he attributes to a slackness of discipline by the ship's longtime captain, Lieutenant Commander William De Vriess.
As the Caine begins its missions under his command, Queeg loses the respect of his crew through a series of incidents:
* he grounds the ship on his first sailing, then attempts to cover it up while blaming his helmsman, Stillwell;
* causes the loss of a gunnery target sled by steaming over the target's towline while distracted by a petty disciplinary action (and again blames Stillwell);
* hounds and court-martials Stillwell for being absent without leave;
* twice under fire leaves a battle area, once abandoning troops under his protection to fend for themselves;
* suffers severe migraine headaches and rarely leaves his cabin;
* and becomes obsessed over the theft of a quart of strawberries, reliving an episode from early in his career in which he solved a shipboard theft and received a commendation.
He is regarded as tyrannical, cowardly, and incompetent. Tensions aboard the ship lead Queeg to ask his officers for support, but they snub him as unworthy, believing him an oppressive coward.
The crew refers to Queeg as "Old Yellowstain" following the invasion of Kwajalein. The Caine, ordered to escort low-lying Marine landing craft to their line of departure, instead drops a yellow dye marker to mark the spot when Queeg fears the ship has come too close to shore under fire, then leaves the area. The sobriquet, a double entendre, refers to both the dye marker and his apparent cowardice.
Communications officer Lieutenant Tom Keefer, an intellectual, former magazine writer and budding novelist who has chafed under Queeg's authority, and initially portrayed as a sympathetic, if not heroic character, plants the suggestion that Queeg might be mentally ill in the mind of the Caine's executive officer, Lieutenant Stephen Maryk, "diagnosing" Queeg as a paranoid. He also steers Maryk to "section 184" of the Navy manual,
Maryk and Willie are charged at court-martial with Conduct to the Prejudice of Good Order and Discipline, a catch-all charge, instead of making a mutiny. When Maryk is tried first, Keefer distances himself, even though he has no Navy career in mind, and shows himself to be a moral coward. Lieutenant Barney Greenwald, a Jewish naval aviator who was a crack attorney in civilian life, is appointed to represent Maryk. His opinion is that Maryk was legally unjustified in relieving Queeg after the captain was found to be sane by three Navy psychiatrists. Despite his own disgust with Maryk's and Willie's actions, Greenwald decides to take the case.
During the trial, Greenwald unrelentingly cross-examines Queeg until he is overcome by the stress and displays a confused inability to handle the situation. Greenwald's tactic of attacking Queeg results in Maryk's acquittal and the dropping of charges against Willie. Maryk, who aspires to a career in the Regular Navy, is sent to command an LCI, ending his ambitions, while Queeg is transferred to an obscure naval supply depot in Iowa.
Willie returns to the Caine in the last days of the Okinawa campaign as its executive officer. Most of the officers have been transferred to other ships. Keefer is now the captain, succeeding a trouble-shooter from the Regular Navy who restored order to the crew. Ironically, Keefer's behavior as captain is similar to Queeg's. The Caine is struck by a kamikaze, an event in which Willie discovers that he has matured into a naval officer. Keefer panics and orders the ship abandoned, but Willie remains aboard and rescues the situation.
Keefer is sent home after the war ends and Willie becomes the last captain of the Caine. He soon receives a medal for his actions following the kamikazeâand a letter of reprimand for his part in unlawfully relieving Queeg. T
Ethnic groups in Europe with Asian features?
Paternally, I have Ashkenazi Jewish heritage. My relatives tell me that our ancestors have been living in Germany as long as they can remember (but I know Ashkenazi Jews have historically inhabited all parts of Europe so I am not sure if I had ancestors living in Ukraine, Russia, and Poland where many Turkic groups (who look Asian) settled. However, I came across a photo of my great-grandmother and she surprisingly had slanted eyes. I can assure you she was not squinting in the photos for these slanted eyes were quite a distinguishing character of her face. I am beginning to wonder where this gene may have come from. I know groups that "look Asian" in Europe are Tatars, the Chuvash. Bashkirs, Krymchaks (Turkic-speaking Jews), Karaites, Crimean Tatars?? and Cossacks?? (aren't they a mix of Slavic and Turkic influences?). I am just really curious why her eyes were like that and wondering if I possibly have Turkic or Asian ancestry. Any thoughts and what do you think are some reasons for this? Maybe a Cossack raped one of my Jewish ancestors haha?
Answer dude, Turkic people dont look asian. some admixture happened after the Mongolian expansion but the original Turkic people had been described as
red haired and colored eyed race at all historical references. at some fewer occasion as yellow haired like the Bulgars, Cumans, Kipchaks.....
the Ashkenazim are descendants of Khazars. the Khazars were off sprig of Ashkuz Scyth in Greece) proto Turkic tribes who had established the kingdom of Ashkenaz at the Caucasia and thats why the Khazar Jews are called as the Ashkenazim.
beside of this, the eastern Europe has been the site of many central Asian presences. the Scythians, Khazars, Huns, Tatars, Avars, Cumans, Pechengs, Bulgars........ and if you check their ethnic features descriptions at the historical sources you will see that all are mentioned as had been red haired and such. actually some researchers like Sven Lagerbring believed that all of the white people are descendants of the central Asian hordes. Lagerbring is titled as the father of modern Sweden and has an extended account about that Odin guy. search him out!
actually the recent studies lead to this that the ancient Germanic people had been Uralic speakers not Indo-European.
the Russians call themselves as Slavic! but the fact is that they are genetically a blend of central Asian and Scandinavian people whom a few centuries ago got assimilated into the Slavic language because of the spread of Orthodox Christianity.
the Slavic was the language of ancient Macedonians and later it became the court language of the Byzantine's orthodox church and the ruthless support of the ERE caused many white nation to get assimilated into the Slavic language. real Slavs are not white. they (like the Greece) had been of middle eastern and northern Ethiopian stock.
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