red hair zinc
Q. My hair does grow a bit faster than average hair.. but how much does it take for hair to grow that length
How long is it now? That depends, 3-5 years.
I started to grow my hair long since 2003. I have good genes, and eat 3-5 servings of fresh fruits & veggies. I trim my hair 1" a month, 4" 2x a year. It's down to my knees now. You do the math. Even healthy hairs like mine get split ends due to brushing & styling. You trim them yourself, using 2" scissors, spend 5-10 mins. on a sunny day, strand by strand, section by section, sometimes you'll find splits in the middle of the strand.
Brush your hair only when it's completely dried. Never on wet hair, I don't even use a comb, nor a conditioner, unless your hair is chemically treated. Curly hair, finger comb it.
It may grow very slowly or none at all if you've straightened your hair in the past.
You get all your vitamins & minerals & proteins FREE from the good foods you eat from Mother Nature, not made by man, and no shampoo can help grow hair, not even those made for horses. Horses don't abuse their hair, using heating tools, and they eat better than people, but it won't add more hair & make their hair longer faster.Shampoo intended for animals may contain insecticides or other medications for treatment of skin conditions or parasite infestations such as fleas or mange. These must never be used on humans.
Prenatal vitamins don't make your hair grow. Pregnant women have to start taking care of their bodies when they're pregnant, meaning stop smoking, drinking, dyeing or perming their hair SO OF COURSE their hair start growing again. But it has nothing to do with their hair, it has something to do to help the development of their unborn child.
Foods for Healthy Hair - the website had moved, type it in.
Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains all supply B-complex vitamins, like biotin, folic acid and vitamin B12, as well as vitamin A, copper and zinc, which are all necessary for remedying dry, brittle hair and nourishing a healthy scalp. Some prime examples of foods that contain these nutrients for healthy hair include:
·                    Folic Acid - asparagus, beets, broccoli, avocados, Brussels sprouts, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils, oranges, fresh peas, turkey and spinach.
·                    Biotin - cauliflower, liver, salmon, carrots, bananas, cereals, yeast, and soy flour. Keep in mind that biotin content is reduced when food is cooked or preserved.
·                    Vitamin B12 - foods rich in vitamin B12 include animal protein (such as beef, lamb, and veal), clams and oysters, liver, fish, milk, and egg yolks.
â¢Vitamin A - butter, egg yolks, fish, fortified milk, organ meats (such as liver), and dark green, orange, red, and yellow fruits and vegetables, which all contain beta-carotene.
â¢Copper - oysters and other shellfish, whole grains, beans, nuts, potatoes, and organ meats are good sources of copper. Dark leafy greens, dried fruits such as prunes, cocoa, black pepper, and yeast are also sources of copper in the diet.
â¢Zinc â beef, eggs, liver, pork, poultry, and oysters. Also is also abundant in other high-protein foods, like cheese, legumes and nuts.
If having a lush, beautiful mane of healthy hair is important to you, donât just look to hot oil treatments and shine emollients. Eat these foods for healthy hair and say âbye-byeâ to bad hair days.
I know hair. I have 4 decades of hair know-how. I have silky, shiny, soft, smooth very healthy hair down to my knees. Previously damaged by perming & dyeing in the 80's & 90's. I've known people in their 30's whose hair stopped growing from ironing their hair in the 70's. I shampoo every 4th day, the cheapest money can buy like Garnier for Normal hair.
How can I get my hair to grow faster?
I had to get my hair cut to my shoulders because it was very damaged and I hate it this short. My hair grows slow.
Answer Oils
Many cultures around the world use plant oils as hair treatments for thicker, longer hair. This tradition is especially common in South Asia and the Mediterranean, where people use coconut, olive and mustard oil in their hair to make it grow longer, faster and thicker. The most commonly used of the three is olive oil, which helps make your hair healthier and silkier, prevents hair loss, strengthens hair and heals the scalp. It also helps get rid of dandruff and lice. Olive oil is an ideal hair conditioner, making hair softer and more pliable.
To use olive oil to make your hair grow longer, apply it to your hair by separating the strands to reach the entire scalp. Work it into your hair, and it massage into your scalp by making circular motions with your fingers. Scrub your scalp for five minutes. Also work the oil into the hair tips to help prevent dry hair and split ends. Rinse your hair, shampoo and then use conditioner. Repeat this process several times a week to see dramatic results.
Eggs and Yogurt
Eggs and yogurt combine to make an organic hair treatment to make hair grow faster and stronger. Beat the eggs, then mix in the yogurt. Work the mixture into your hair, and let it sit for half an hour. Keep in mind that the mixture will make your hair smell unpleasant for a while even after washing. Shampoo twice to ensure you have fully removed the egg mixture, and condition as usual. The eggs contain proteins, which help strengthen hair, and the yogurt contains biological enzymes, which help make the scalp cleaner and healthier.
Mayonnaise can also make hair healthier, softer and shinier while helping it grow more quickly. Work mayonnaise into your hair as you would conditioner. Leave it in for 30 to 60 minutes, then rinse it out. Shampoo your hair until you have removed the mixture, then condition as usual. Oils in the mayonnaise make the hair softer, and the proteins make it stronger, allowing it to grow long and healthy.
Food For Hair Growth
Aside from hair treatments that help hair grow long and fast, other ingredients found around the house help hair grow healthy and long when added to your diet. Brian Thompson, trichologist and director of product development at Philip Kingsley Trichological Center in New York and London, prescribes a