This movie is about a man who is a widow and 2 kids in college, he has just bought an expensive beach house in long beach, CA. He is an author and in his late 30's.
(If i could direct this right now, I would cast ryan gosling as the author)
When he is writing on his typewriter, He has one of the most expensive typewriters ever. He is seeing weird apparitions of people being raped, murdered, and tortured. He is seeing these disturbing things and starts going psychologically crazy. He is writing random numbers that are popping in his head, phone numbers that are in his phonebook, names of random people, and nicknames of what people he is seeing in his apparitions.
The names are...
1. the man with the chemical burnt body (he got into a poison chemical accident)
2. the tied woman (she has her fingers, teeth, eyelids, stumach, toes, and breasts tied in knots)
3. tortured soul (a soul who was tortured to death)
4. 2 skinned dogs (the 2 dogs have no fur, a psycho owner skinned their fur off)
5. eyeless little girl (she was born with empty eye sockets)
6. The plummer ( a man with a pipe n his mouth stuck in his throat)
7. the herpes whore ( a prostitute who is all covered in red herpes)
8. the beige woman
9. the married couple connected together
10. demon eye (one of the apparitions, it is a man that scares him the most because of his frightening demn eye)
11. the three headed bird
12. the big nosed geezer ( an eldery person with a 20 inch nose)
13. the golden woman ( a beautiful woman covered in gold, looks like a living oscar trophy)
14. the bloodbath (the bathtub in the beach house that people have died in by murder, when he takes a bath, it turns into dark blood)
15. the china doll ( a doll that came with the house that attacks him one time and he smashes her to pieces and blood comes out of it. It was the blood empty girls doll.)
16. blood empty girl ( a teenage girl who was murdered by her cousin. The girl had a doll she was conected to aka the china doll, when she was murdered, all her blood ust randomly went into the doll and she possesed the doll)
17. white paint ( a woman covered in white makeup all over her skin)
18. Poor woman ( a woman who was raped and murdered by her husband)
19. The faceless man ( a man with a peeled off face)
20. The spike ( a young college man who did his hair for ours alot, All he ever did was do is hair all day. one day it fell all right out and he commit suicide in the bathtub aka the bloodbath with all of his electronic hair devices and he ate all of his hair gel)
21. woman of fire (a woman who was burntin the vent by her son aka the evil son who hated her because she was homosexual)
22. the evil son ( he was drownt in the bathtub by his dead mother after he burnt her in the vent)
23. Epar ( a woman who was raped by a stalker who stalked her for months and he came in through her window one night and snuck up on her while she was taking a bath, and raped her to death in the bloodbath.
24. fammy ( a man who was trying to get into the movie bussiness but didnt make it and stabbed himself in the face 20 times, and slit his throat until he bled to death. He was depresed that he didnt make it.)
25. the grayman ( a man who tries to destroy the electricity in the house to scare the author)
26. Misfit (a college student who hated her life, she was struggling with her college grades and thought her teacher was out to murder her family. She couldnt deal with that suff anymore so she jumped off the roof of the house and snapped her neck in the sand)
27. nerd (a man who was paranoid that his lucky eyeglasses were going to runaway from him, he took a drill and drilled the glasses to his head and 3 months later, he lobotomized himself with the drill because he thought they were going to plan to escape. He didnt survive the lobotomy and died)
28. The lard man ( a huge man who ate his lard all the time and did nothing but stay inside and eat food and his lard all day)
29. Sicko (a sick person that was a chef at a famous italian resteraunt. He got out of prison and a week later, he started kidnapping kids off the beach and cut them up put them in the meat grinder and put their meat into lasagna and other foods at the resteraunt he worked at and everyone loved it and thats how the resteraunt became famous because of the good meat. One day a mom caught him trying to kidnap kids off the beach, she called police and the police came to his house and shot him because he tried to throw a knife at them. The resteraunt was also famous for what he did and it was shutdown and reopened in los angeles)
30. The beach house ( the beach house made him go psycho with all the apparitions)
How does that sound?
He starts typing about all these apparitions he is seeing and it is becoming thousands of pages.
Decent idea. The first original one I've seen in a while. If you want this to be a movie, it's easier to start it as a book. That's what I'm doing with my ideas. (Make sure you get a copyright)
Decent idea. The first original one I've seen in a while. If you want this to be a movie, it's easier to start it as a book. That's what I'm doing with my ideas. (Make sure you get a copyright)
R&P: Playlist-A-Palooza!?

Death 06
Choose two genres from your iTunes library and post one song from each artist. If you have more then one album for an artist, post a song from both albums and you will have yourself a playlist. Then Say something about the persons lists above you
My Playlist
1) Alesana - A Sirens Soliloquy (On Frail Wings of Vanity And Wax)
2) Alesana - All Night Dance Parties In The Underground Palace (Where Myth Fades To Legend)
3) Attack! Attack! - Shred, White, and Blue
4) Before Their Eyes - Shotguns Speak louder Then Words (Before Their Eyes)
5) Before Their Eyes - So In Love (The Dawn of Death)
6) Chiodos - To Trixie And Reptile Thanks For Everything (Alls Well That Ends Well)
7) Chiodos - Lindsay Quit Lollygagging (The Best Way To Ruin Your Life - EP)
8) Chiodos - If I Cut My Hair, Hawaii Will Sink (Bone Palace Ballet)
9) Chiodos - Vacation To Hell (The Heartless Control Everything - EP)
10) Drop Dead, Gorgeous - Pretty Hard To Beat The King
11) Emanuel - Abandonment Star (Black Earth Tiger)
12) Emanuel - The New Violence (Soundtrack To A Headrush)
13) Enter Shikari - Jonny Sniper
14) Escape The Fate - The Day I Left The Womb (Dying Is Your Latest Fashion)
15) Escape The Fate - The Ransom (Thereâs No Sympathy For The Dead -EP)
16) Escape The Fate - We Wonât Back Down (This War Is Ours)
17) Eyes Set To Kill - Violent Kiss
18) Fightstar - Grand Unification Pt. 1 (Grand Unification)
19) Fightstar - We Apologize For Nothing (One Day Son, This Will All Be Yours)
20) Love Hate Hero - This Dream Called Life (Just Breathe)
21) Love Hate Hero - Goodbye My Love (White Lies)
22) Pierce The Veil - Iâd Rather Die Than Be Famous
23) The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Misery Loves Its Company
24) Silverstein - Sound of the Sun (Arrivals And Departures)
25) Silverstein - Smile In Your Sleep (Discovering The Waterfront)
26) A Skylit Drive - Hey Nightmare, Where Did You Get Them Teeth? (She Watched The Sky)
27) A Skylit Drive - Eris and Dysnomia (Wiresâ¦and the Concept of Breathing)
28) A Static Lullaby - Underwater Knife Fight (Rattlesnake!)
29) A Static Lullaby - The Art of Sharing Lovers (A Static Lullaby)
30) Still Remains - The Wax Walls of An Empty Room (The Serpent)
31) Thursday - Sugar In The Sacrament (A City By The Light Divided)
32) Thursday - Friends In The Armed Forces (Common Existence)
33) Thursday - Paris In Flames [Live] (Five Stories Falling - EP)
34) Thursday - I Am The Killer (Full Collapse)
35) Thursday - Signals Over The Air [Live At Starland Ballroom] (Kill The Lights)
36) Thursday - In Transmission (Waiting)
37) Thursday - War All The Time (War All The Time)
38) Underoath - The Changing of Times (The Changing of Times)
39) Underoath - Youâre Ever So Inviting (Define The Great Line)
40) Underoath - The Impact of Reason (Theyâre Only Chasing Safety)
41) Underoath - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures (Lost in the Sound of Separation)
~Japanese Rock~
1) Auncia - Freak Show
2) Duel Jewel - Azure (Azure)
3) Duel Jewel - Shoku (BULLET)
4) Duel Jewel -Tsuki to Tawamure (Lapidary)
5) Duel Jewel - Chaste Sin (Noah)
6) FLOW - Colors
7) The GazettE - Anti Pop (Disorder)
8) The GazettE - Silly God Disco (Nil)
9) The GazettE - Chizuru (Stacked Rubbish)
10) High and Mighty Color - Flying music (Dive Into Yourself -Single)
11) High and Mighty Color - Naked (Go Over)
12) High and Mighty Color - Ichirin No Hana
13) High and Mighty Color - Days (10 Color Singles)
14) KIRITO - Gyakkou
hAHA, you can cut it in half or more if you want =D
1) Alexisonfire- Drunks, Lovers, Sinners, and Saints (Crisis)
2) Alexisonfire- Control (Watch Out!)
3) Alexisonfire- Polaroids of Polar Bears (Alexisonfire)
4) As Cities Burn- Bloodsucker, Pt. 2 (Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest)
5) At the Drive-In- One Armed Scissor (Relationship of Command)
6) At the Drive-In- Alpha Centauri (In/Casino/Out)
7) Bear vs. Shark- 5, 6 Kids (Terrorhawk)
8) Bear vs. Shark- Michigan (Right Now, You're in the Best of Hands...)
9) Blessthefall- Higinia (His Last Walk)
10) The Blood Brothers- Trash Flavored Trash (Crimes)
11) The Blood Brothers- Guitarmy (Burn, Piano Island, Burn)
12) The Blood Brothers- Doctor! Doctor! (This Adultery is Ripe)
13) The Blood Brothers- Birth Skin/Death Leather (March on Electric Children)
14) Cap'n Jazz- Puddle Splashers (Analphabetapolothology)
15) Chiodos- Is it Progression if a Cannibal Uses a Fork? (Bone Palace Ballet)
16) Chiodos- Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on the Creek (All's Well That Ends Well)
17) Circa Survive- The Greatest Lie (On Letting Go)
18) Circa Survive- Act Appalled (Juturna)
19) Circle Takes the Square- Crowquill (As the Roots Undo)
20) Drop Dead, Gorgeous- Drawing the Devil (Worse Than a Fairy Tale)
21) Drop Dead, Gorgeous- Girl, are You on Your... (In Vogue)
22) Emery- World Away (I'm Only a Man)
23) Emery- The Weakest (The Question)
24) Emery- Walls (The Weak's End)
25) Fear Before the March of Flames- Drowning the Old Hag (Always Open Mouth)
26) Fear Before the March of Flames- Law of Averages (Art Damage)
27) Fear Before the March of Flames- Fashion Tips Baby (Odd How People Shake)
28) Finch- Ender (What it is to Burn)
29) From Autumn to Ashes- Deth Kult Social Club (Holding a Wolf by the Ears)
30) From First to Last- Emily (Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Bodycount)
31) From First to Last- Such a Tragedy (Aesthetic)
32) Funeral for a Friend- Streetcar (Hours)
33) Funeral for a Friend- Rookie of the Year (Casually Dressed and Deep in Conversation)
34) Funeral for a Friend- Red is the New Black (Seven Ways to Scream Your Name)
35) Glassjaw- Tip Your Bartender (Worship and Tribute)
36) Glassjaw- Pretty Lush (Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence)
37) Glassjaw- Black Coffee (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
38) Halifax- Our Revolution (Inevitability of a Strange World)
39) Halifax- Broken Glass Syndrome (A Writers Reference)
40) Halifax- Ten Fingers isn't Quite Enough (Start Back at Start)
41) Helmet- Iron Head (In the Meantime)
42) Hopesfall- Open Hand to the Wind (No Wings to Speak Of)
43) Hopesfall- Dead in Magazines (The Satellite Years)
44) Hopesfall- Endeavor (The Frailty of Words)
45) It Dies Today- Sixth of June (Sirens)
46) The Jonbenét- Eating Lightning, Pt. 2 (Ugly/Heartless)
47) The Jonbenét- Behold the White Whore (The Plot Thickens)
48) Kill Sadie- The Surgeons Muse (Experiments in Expectation)
49) Les Savy Fav- Meet Me in the Dollar Bin (Inches)
50) Lovehatehero- Amity (White Lies)
51) Lovehatehero- Knees Bled Begging (Just Breathe)
52) Pierce the Veil- Yeah Boy and Doll Face (A Flair for the Dramatic)
53) Poison the Well- Nagaina (Versions)
54) Poison the Well- Zombies are Good for Your Health (You Come Before You)
55) Poison the Well- Botchla (Tear From the Red)
56) Poison the Well- Slice Paper Wrists (The Opposite of December...)
57) Pretty Girls Make Graves- Chemical, Chemical (The New Romance)
58) Pretty Girls Make Graves- Speakers Push the Air (Good Health)
59) Rival Schools- High Acetate (United by Fate)
60) Saosin- Sleepers (Saosin)
61) Showbread- Mouth Like a Magazine (No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical)
62) Small Brown Bike- The Vacuum (Dead Reckoning)
63) Soiled Doves- F*ck This Nest (Soiled Life)
64) Story of the Year- And the Hero Will Drown (Page Avenue)
65) Thursday- Resuscitation of a Dead Man (Common Existence)
66) Thursday- At This Velocity (A City by the Light Divided)
67) Thursday- For the Workforce, Drowning (War All the Time)
68) Thursday- Understanding in a Car Crash (Full Collapse)
69) Thursday- Ian Curtis (Waiting)
70) Underoath- A Fault Line, a Fault of Mine (Lost in the Sound of Separation)
71) Underoath- A Moment Suspended in Time (Define the Great Line)
72) Underoath- A Boy Brushed Red, Living in Black and White (They're Only Chasing Safety)
73) Underoath- Letting Go of Tonight (The Changing of Times)
74) United Nations- Resolution #9 (United Nations)
75) Vaux- Cocaine James (Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice)
76) Vaux- Set it to Blow (There Must be Some Way to Stop Them)
1) The Agony Scene- Barnburner (Get Damned)
2) The Agony Scene- Screams Turn into Silence (The Darkest Red)
3) The Agony Scene- Judas (The Agony Scene)
4) All That Remains- Vicious Betrayal (This Darkened Heart)
5) Animosity- Instilling the Affliction (Shut it Down)
6) As I Lay Dying- Forsaken (An Ocean Between Us)
7) As I Lay Dying- The Darkest Nights (Shadows Are Security)
8) As I Lay Dying- Collision (Frail Words Collapse)
9) August Burns Red- Composure (Messengers)
10) August Burns Red- Speech Impediment (Thrill Seeker)
11) Bring Me the Horizon- Chelsea Smile (Suicide Season)
12) Dead to Fall- The Future (Are You Serious?)
13) Dead to Fall- Chum Fiesta (The Phoenix Throne)
14) Dead to Fall- Bastard Set of Dreams (Villainy and Virtue)
15) Dead to Fall- Eternal Gates of Hell (Everything I Touch Falls to Pieces)
16) The Devil Wears Prada- HTML Rulez D00d (Plagues)
17) Elysia- Box of Need(les) (Lion of Judas)
18) For the Fallen Dreams- Hopeless (Changes)
19) From Autumn to Ashes- Vicious Cockfight (Abandon Your Friends)
20) From Autumn to Ashes- No Trivia (The Fiction We Live)
21) From Autumn to Ashes- Chloroform Perfume (Too Bad You're Beautiful)
22) God Forbid- Wicked (Determination)
23) Gwen Stacy- If We Live Right, We Can't Die Wrong (The Life I Know)
24) Haste the Day- Mad Man (Dreamer)
25) Haste the Day- Needles (Pressure the Hinges)
26) Haste the Day- The Perfect Night (When Everything Falls)
27) Haste the Day- Blue 42 (Burning Bridges)
28) Heaven Shall Burn- It Burns Within (Whatever it May Take)
29) I Killed the Prom Queen- To Kill Tomorrow (When Goodbye Means Forever)
30) It Dies Today- The Radiance (The Caitiff Choir)
31) Norma Jean- Murderotica (O God, the Aftermath)
32) Norma Jean- Face:Face (Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child)
33) Parkway Drive- Boneyards (Horizons)
34) Parkway Drive- Romance is Dead (Killing With a Smile)
35) Unearth- Crow Killer (The March)
36) Unearth- March of the Mutes (III: In the Eyes of Fire)
37) Unearth- This Lying World (The Oncoming Storm)
38) Unearth- One Step Away (The Stings of Conscience)
Uhhh... the person above me has a pretty sick playlist :/
1) Alexisonfire- Drunks, Lovers, Sinners, and Saints (Crisis)
2) Alexisonfire- Control (Watch Out!)
3) Alexisonfire- Polaroids of Polar Bears (Alexisonfire)
4) As Cities Burn- Bloodsucker, Pt. 2 (Son, I Loved You at Your Darkest)
5) At the Drive-In- One Armed Scissor (Relationship of Command)
6) At the Drive-In- Alpha Centauri (In/Casino/Out)
7) Bear vs. Shark- 5, 6 Kids (Terrorhawk)
8) Bear vs. Shark- Michigan (Right Now, You're in the Best of Hands...)
9) Blessthefall- Higinia (His Last Walk)
10) The Blood Brothers- Trash Flavored Trash (Crimes)
11) The Blood Brothers- Guitarmy (Burn, Piano Island, Burn)
12) The Blood Brothers- Doctor! Doctor! (This Adultery is Ripe)
13) The Blood Brothers- Birth Skin/Death Leather (March on Electric Children)
14) Cap'n Jazz- Puddle Splashers (Analphabetapolothology)
15) Chiodos- Is it Progression if a Cannibal Uses a Fork? (Bone Palace Ballet)
16) Chiodos- Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on the Creek (All's Well That Ends Well)
17) Circa Survive- The Greatest Lie (On Letting Go)
18) Circa Survive- Act Appalled (Juturna)
19) Circle Takes the Square- Crowquill (As the Roots Undo)
20) Drop Dead, Gorgeous- Drawing the Devil (Worse Than a Fairy Tale)
21) Drop Dead, Gorgeous- Girl, are You on Your... (In Vogue)
22) Emery- World Away (I'm Only a Man)
23) Emery- The Weakest (The Question)
24) Emery- Walls (The Weak's End)
25) Fear Before the March of Flames- Drowning the Old Hag (Always Open Mouth)
26) Fear Before the March of Flames- Law of Averages (Art Damage)
27) Fear Before the March of Flames- Fashion Tips Baby (Odd How People Shake)
28) Finch- Ender (What it is to Burn)
29) From Autumn to Ashes- Deth Kult Social Club (Holding a Wolf by the Ears)
30) From First to Last- Emily (Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has a Bodycount)
31) From First to Last- Such a Tragedy (Aesthetic)
32) Funeral for a Friend- Streetcar (Hours)
33) Funeral for a Friend- Rookie of the Year (Casually Dressed and Deep in Conversation)
34) Funeral for a Friend- Red is the New Black (Seven Ways to Scream Your Name)
35) Glassjaw- Tip Your Bartender (Worship and Tribute)
36) Glassjaw- Pretty Lush (Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Silence)
37) Glassjaw- Black Coffee (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang)
38) Halifax- Our Revolution (Inevitability of a Strange World)
39) Halifax- Broken Glass Syndrome (A Writers Reference)
40) Halifax- Ten Fingers isn't Quite Enough (Start Back at Start)
41) Helmet- Iron Head (In the Meantime)
42) Hopesfall- Open Hand to the Wind (No Wings to Speak Of)
43) Hopesfall- Dead in Magazines (The Satellite Years)
44) Hopesfall- Endeavor (The Frailty of Words)
45) It Dies Today- Sixth of June (Sirens)
46) The Jonbenét- Eating Lightning, Pt. 2 (Ugly/Heartless)
47) The Jonbenét- Behold the White Whore (The Plot Thickens)
48) Kill Sadie- The Surgeons Muse (Experiments in Expectation)
49) Les Savy Fav- Meet Me in the Dollar Bin (Inches)
50) Lovehatehero- Amity (White Lies)
51) Lovehatehero- Knees Bled Begging (Just Breathe)
52) Pierce the Veil- Yeah Boy and Doll Face (A Flair for the Dramatic)
53) Poison the Well- Nagaina (Versions)
54) Poison the Well- Zombies are Good for Your Health (You Come Before You)
55) Poison the Well- Botchla (Tear From the Red)
56) Poison the Well- Slice Paper Wrists (The Opposite of December...)
57) Pretty Girls Make Graves- Chemical, Chemical (The New Romance)
58) Pretty Girls Make Graves- Speakers Push the Air (Good Health)
59) Rival Schools- High Acetate (United by Fate)
60) Saosin- Sleepers (Saosin)
61) Showbread- Mouth Like a Magazine (No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical)
62) Small Brown Bike- The Vacuum (Dead Reckoning)
63) Soiled Doves- F*ck This Nest (Soiled Life)
64) Story of the Year- And the Hero Will Drown (Page Avenue)
65) Thursday- Resuscitation of a Dead Man (Common Existence)
66) Thursday- At This Velocity (A City by the Light Divided)
67) Thursday- For the Workforce, Drowning (War All the Time)
68) Thursday- Understanding in a Car Crash (Full Collapse)
69) Thursday- Ian Curtis (Waiting)
70) Underoath- A Fault Line, a Fault of Mine (Lost in the Sound of Separation)
71) Underoath- A Moment Suspended in Time (Define the Great Line)
72) Underoath- A Boy Brushed Red, Living in Black and White (They're Only Chasing Safety)
73) Underoath- Letting Go of Tonight (The Changing of Times)
74) United Nations- Resolution #9 (United Nations)
75) Vaux- Cocaine James (Beyond Virtue, Beyond Vice)
76) Vaux- Set it to Blow (There Must be Some Way to Stop Them)
1) The Agony Scene- Barnburner (Get Damned)
2) The Agony Scene- Screams Turn into Silence (The Darkest Red)
3) The Agony Scene- Judas (The Agony Scene)
4) All That Remains- Vicious Betrayal (This Darkened Heart)
5) Animosity- Instilling the Affliction (Shut it Down)
6) As I Lay Dying- Forsaken (An Ocean Between Us)
7) As I Lay Dying- The Darkest Nights (Shadows Are Security)
8) As I Lay Dying- Collision (Frail Words Collapse)
9) August Burns Red- Composure (Messengers)
10) August Burns Red- Speech Impediment (Thrill Seeker)
11) Bring Me the Horizon- Chelsea Smile (Suicide Season)
12) Dead to Fall- The Future (Are You Serious?)
13) Dead to Fall- Chum Fiesta (The Phoenix Throne)
14) Dead to Fall- Bastard Set of Dreams (Villainy and Virtue)
15) Dead to Fall- Eternal Gates of Hell (Everything I Touch Falls to Pieces)
16) The Devil Wears Prada- HTML Rulez D00d (Plagues)
17) Elysia- Box of Need(les) (Lion of Judas)
18) For the Fallen Dreams- Hopeless (Changes)
19) From Autumn to Ashes- Vicious Cockfight (Abandon Your Friends)
20) From Autumn to Ashes- No Trivia (The Fiction We Live)
21) From Autumn to Ashes- Chloroform Perfume (Too Bad You're Beautiful)
22) God Forbid- Wicked (Determination)
23) Gwen Stacy- If We Live Right, We Can't Die Wrong (The Life I Know)
24) Haste the Day- Mad Man (Dreamer)
25) Haste the Day- Needles (Pressure the Hinges)
26) Haste the Day- The Perfect Night (When Everything Falls)
27) Haste the Day- Blue 42 (Burning Bridges)
28) Heaven Shall Burn- It Burns Within (Whatever it May Take)
29) I Killed the Prom Queen- To Kill Tomorrow (When Goodbye Means Forever)
30) It Dies Today- The Radiance (The Caitiff Choir)
31) Norma Jean- Murderotica (O God, the Aftermath)
32) Norma Jean- Face:Face (Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child)
33) Parkway Drive- Boneyards (Horizons)
34) Parkway Drive- Romance is Dead (Killing With a Smile)
35) Unearth- Crow Killer (The March)
36) Unearth- March of the Mutes (III: In the Eyes of Fire)
37) Unearth- This Lying World (The Oncoming Storm)
38) Unearth- One Step Away (The Stings of Conscience)
Uhhh... the person above me has a pretty sick playlist :/
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